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Election in Phlan Candidates

If you’re part of the Dungeons and Dragons Adventures League group on Facebook there’s a poll that will influence the Phlan Election at Winter fantasy. You must go there to vote. Here’s the text from the post
Three candidates have emerged as front-runners in Phlan’s upcoming election.

Jhessail Greycastle

Knight Commander Greycastle is a hero, but her loyalty to the Black Fists makes her vulnerable. She pledges to:
  • Establish a parliament of elected peers to govern Phlan, and serve as First Minister.
  • Reform the Black Fists and weed out corruption in its ranks.

Barrett Sokol

The youngest scion of House Sokol has gained popularity among the labor guilds. He pledges to:
  • Reinstate the mercantile Council of Ten and stand as High Councilor.
  • Create jobs reconstructing Phlan and raising the old city walls.

Colvin Doverson

Lord Doverson claims ancestry with the Royal House of Daoran. If legitimized, this would make him heir to the Cinnabar Throne. He pledges to:
  • Reinstate the monarchy and crown himself Lord Protector.
  • Renegotiate trade deals with other Moonsea ports for the benefit of Phlan’s merchants.
A vote will be held at Winter Fantasy 41 on Saturday Feb 4 at 6PM EST. The results of this poll will be weighted and added to the onsite vote to determine the winner. This poll will close at Noon EST that same day.